52-year-old mother of two wanted to reverse some of her volume loss, post pregnancy with a breast augmentation. Being very athletic, she did not want to sacrifice muscle strength that can occur with submuscular breast augmentation. She opted for a subfascial augmentation through a fold incision. A high profile 340 cc high profile saline device was used. She did not want a mastopexy. Other practices in Charlotte had recommended this. With some patients with grades I-II ptosis (she is a grade I), you can get an effective lift through subfascial placement along with a higher profile thus avoiding the extra scars and expense of a mastopexy. Another point to make as many surgeons who don’t perform subfascial breast augmentation state that the submuscular leads to a more natural result. This is patently false. It has more to do with patient and implant selection than anything else. She is 6 weeks post-op in the after images.