March 15, 2020

One great thing about the human body is its inherent curves. Some of us are curvier than others; some of us, for better or worse, have straighter lines. But these days, curves are in, which is much healthier than the waif-like appearance of models just a decade or so ago. Today, we celebrate the curves …

February 15, 2020

Admit it. When you saw that headline your first thought was to pull up Shirley Maclaine’s New Age blog and start streaming Yanni on Spotify. Uh, that’s not what we’re talking about at Providence Plastic Surgery & Skin Center in Charlotte. We’re talking about using crystals to abrade the top layer of your skin. Think …

January 24, 2020

Modern English is awash with slang. The use of slang has exploded due to technology and our almost constant exposure to people’s ramblings via the Internet, tweets, etc. One amusing but sometimes vulgar source of modern slang is found at the urban dictionary: Like Wikipedia, it is a web-based dictionary that allows contributions from the lay …

January 24, 2020

Many of patients are plus size girls rather than the anorexic Barbie’s I saw during some of my plastic surgery training in Los Angeles. It can be more of a surgical challenge to work on larger patients, and you have to know your boundaries and safety parameters. That being said, more modern techniques of body …

January 24, 2020

Most of these Real Housewives reality shows are quite entertaining for us to watch. But the reality is that most patients do not want to look like the women on those shows. When patients come in and are considering facial fillers for the first time, I am frequently told that “I don’t want to look like (blank) …

January 24, 2020

I do a lot of BBLs (aka Brazilian Buttlifts aka fat grafting of the buttocks). It’s a great procedure that can take a square, middle aged, sponge Bob looking torso and make it more youthful, sexy and feminine. I am a fan. I deal with all shapes and sizes of patients who come in with …